My beloved teacher and spiritual guide Rav Shalom Arush, may Hashem bless him, says that the only way to rebuild our national Holy Temple is if each one of us first builds his personal Holy Temple - that is shalom bayit, or marital peace.
Hashem flashed an interesting thought in my brain: The Zohar says that one's spouse is like The other half of the same soul. So, since our spouse is the other half, let him or her be represented by the letter "T". We are represented by the first-person singular pronoun, in other words, the letter "I". In order for us to maintain and cultivate marital peace, the "I" must take the initiative, in other words, make the first move. He or she must should never say, "Let the other side be OK, and then I'll be OK." So, in "marital peace", the I must come before the T.
Yet, we often hear warring couple entrenched in their positions, with neither side making a move to bring peace in the home. One partner says, "let the other side change his/her ways, and then I'll follow suit." That only leads to more hostilities and more unhappiness. So if they take the word marital, and misplace the I and the T - putting the responsibility on the "T" - the other side - rather than on the "I", the result is disastrous. Marital becomes Martial, and that's bad news.
Let's each take the iniative to build our own personal Holy Temple, and thereby hastening the full redemption of our people and the rebuilding of our Holy Temple, speedily and in our days, amen. Have a great Shabbat, and warmest regards from the lovely Land of Emuna.
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